Frequently Asked Questions
A lot of VR experiences and imagery are being shot with 360 degrees images. Viewers watching would be dropped in the middle of the scene and are able to turn their head, but have no choice from which angle they want to watch. A volumetric image is an image with 6 degrees of freedom (6DOF). The viewer is able to move inside the image, get closer to objects or characters, and even look behind them. Objects that were previously hidden to us, now become visible. You are able to become your own cameraman inside the movie. Creating a deeper sense of immersion inside the scene.

You can reuse your old assets. The authoring tools allow you to create volumetric images in the PresenZ format. With these tools you replace your existing camera with a PresenZ camera. You will use this camera for your new render. The render time can be calculated as twice the length of a 360° render. This can of course variate on the complexity of your scene. Afterwards The Dashboard/Viewer allows you to visualize your PresenZ images.

Usually a rendering is done from a single point, known as the Point of View.
PresenZ makes a render from a Zone of View (ZOV) and gathers all the information to cover whatever is visible from within this "zone". The ZOV is a volume box with a default size of 1 by 1 meter width and a half a meter height, but this can be adjusted according to preferences.
The user can move freely inside the ZOV and look in any direction.
The ZOV position, orientation and size is defined by the author in the 3D scene, it replaces the standard perspective camera.
In the normal operation mode getting outside the zone of view will blur the image until the user gets back into the boundaries. The other operation is Free Roam.

Previously, the user was restricted to the Zone Of View. The Free Roam feature allows the viewer to walk outside the boundaries of the Zone of View.
The viewer then fills the missing geometry with colors matching the closest neighbors.
While the experience is optimized and best viewed from within the Zone Of View, this allows the user much more latitude in it's movements.

The bigger the zone of view, the more data we have to collect and manipulate.
To render a very large zone of view without any performance issues, we created the multibox feature, which allows to subdivide the space in multiple zones of view. They can be either, one next to the other, with seamless transition at playback, or separated, allowing the viewer to walk or teleport from one zone of view to another.
This will be easier on your computer as it will only load the current box you are standing in at playback, instead of one very large zone of view with tons of data that will overwhelm the system.

You can try the PresenZ tools for free, without time limit or registration. Which means you have the opportunity to make test renders and do multiple iterations on your scenes without having to pay each time you render.
The image will be watermarked by blue lines which move through your scene. If you wish to remove this watermark you can do so inside the PresenZ dashboard/viewer, by spending credits bought on our webshop. One credit removes one watermark.
It’s important to note that we do not upload any of your images, we only get the hash. This way your scenes and PresenZ renders stay confidential.

The PresenZ Merger gives you some options to modify your PresenZ file after the render. Giving you plenty of flexibility in your workflow.
Some of which are:
- The ability to color grade your rendered scene with an OCIO file.
- Use the V-ray color correction tools for your PresenZ images.
- Rendering out an object separately and merge the object in your complete scene without having to render out the entire project again.
- A Houdini plugin for post production is coming soon, and already available in private beta.

With the use of a 360° binaural audio you can experience the direction and distance to the source of the sound. This way the user gets the sensation of actually being in the room of your 3D scene.
PresenZ uses the file format .tbe (Two Big Ears) which you can export using the free encoder that comes with the spatial workstation from facebook360, or the .opus format which codec tools are free to download.
For an immersive experience, your PresenZ render and audio can be combined at playback.