

Construct VR

“Construct” a short film by Kevin Margo, was originally a full CGI short movie for 2D screens. The PresenZ technology allowed us to reuse all the 3D scenes of Construct as they were, with the same models, lighting, textures, shaders, render engine ( V-Ray ), etc… We only had to clean-up some animation here and there, like foot contacts, since it was originally out of frame.

This illustrates that 3D assets designed for movies can be directly reused to create fully immersive VR content with PresenZ.

The experience of Construct itself begins when we are following a family of robots in their daily life routine. Bill, the father, works at a constructions site. After he says goodbye to his family he arrives at his workplace and stumbles upon something he should not have seen. As a viewer we are a bystander to the events that unfold.

Construct Lumiere awards

Construct won two Lumiere awards at Stereopsia 2018. “Best technical innovation in VR” for the use of the PresenZ technology and “Public choice awards”.

Lumiere awards at stereopsia 2018
Christophers (CEO at Stockaboo) comments

” I can say that this was one of the attractions that impressed me the most! The graphics are amazing and you really feel like you are at the construction site. Imagine the first time you experienced 3D cinema, it was quite impressive and a new type of experience. This is something completely different: a much bigger step! “

Stockaboo PresenZ Dubai
Mathias (Writer at Stockaboo) comments

“ PresenZ, PresenZ, PresenZ, what a movie! Robots fighting in a fight that would make any martial arts expert jealous. I have never experienced anything like that! Imagine mixing a 360 video with a pair of 3D glasses and then moving around in that world, then you have PresenZ.“


The Construct short film can be watched as an attraction at the classic old movie theater in Starbreeze and Emaar’s VR park in Dubai.

Visit the Stockaboo website for the full article.

This post was written by Sten Seghers

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